Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jim's Little Accident

Another fun week down in Manguzi...and only a few scars to prove it! For those of you concerned readers at home, don't worry Jim did not get in a fight with the locals and we have not resorted to domestic violence just yet. Last week, Jim was riding in the back of a truck out in the bush. He was having a great conversation with one of our staff members - Nkosi - when BAM all of a sudden Jim's head collided with a thick tree branch filled with briars. His eye was bleeding like crazy and the branch managed to knock him over and rip up his shirt. It was a pretty bad hit, but luckily the TU team was on their way back to the Centre and they dropped Jim at the hospital. Fortunately, Jim and I are friends with almost all the doctors at Manguzi Hospital, and he was seen very quickly (no line at all for Mr. Lefler). When I arrived to the hospital to check on him, I could hardly believe it. The area all around his eye was ripped (a chunk of skin was just sort of dangling by the crease in his eye). But thank God his eye was not damaged. A doctor friend of ours named Allen stitched him up and assured him that the accident was a good thing because "chicks dig guys with scars." And, I have to be honest, he does look pretty tough...ha! Anyway, I took the picture above the night of the accident to put it in the blog, but I can honestly say he is looking a lot better now.
As for the rest of our adventures, we went to the beach this weekend and it was beautiful. We watched the sunset next to a lake full of hippos - definitely Africa-style. The work week has begun, and Jim and I may have started a new tradition this morning. We found a restaurant in Manguzi (one of three) that serves an incredible breakfast! There is just one woman who works there, and she only has one table to serve people. But, you can tell she is very proud of her place, and she is a very good cook. We woke up early and had breakfast at 6:30 at Bongiwe's. We are thinking of becoming regulars for her, as it was such a nice change to "go out to eat" and it was something Jim used to do with his friends in high school (eating at the Breakfast nook before first period).
Anyhow, I have to get to work. I'm not sure if I have already written this, but you all must check out the Tholulwazi website at www.tuproject.org It is a great site, and I think you will all really enjoy the pictures and learning more about what Jim and I have been up to in Africa. Also, there is a page that shows how you can help...so if any of you can do anything - please let us know. Have a great week!

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